Rules for Doctorate Degree level
Rules for Direct Doctorate Degree level
Academica and Scientific performance evaluation (for all levels)
The Chemistry Graduate Program at IQSC/USP offers 3 areas of concentration:
The most traditional área of concentration of the IQSC graduate Chemistry program develops research of excellence and of international recognition in Molecular Biophysics, Crystallography, Electrochemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Fluorescence, Photochemistry, Photosensitizers, Electrochemical Materials, Electroanalytical Methods, Macromolecular Materials and Lignocellulosic Fibers, Quantum Chemistry, Chemical Reactors and Heterogeneous Catalysis.
Equally consolidated and of national and international recognition, the research in Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry covers Phytochemical Analysis, Thermal Analysis, Electroanalytical and Solution Chemistry, Bioanalytics, Microfabrication and Separations, Chromatography , Colloidal Materials, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Analytical Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Analytical Chemistry and Reference Materials, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Structural and Biological Chemistry.
The newest area of concentration in the IQSC graduate Chemistry program at IQSC/USP is gaining increasing national and international prominence. Research Groups that work in this area of concentration develop research in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Biochemistry and Biomaterials, Microbial Biotechnology, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry of Biological Systems, as well as Organic Synthesis.
Master Degree;
PhD Degree, in the following modalities:
For enrollment, the applicants must hand over copy of the following documents:
1 – Proof of English language proficiency;
2 – A recente 3X4 photo;
3 – ID document;
4 – Curriculum vitae;
5 – Undergraduate school transcript;
6 – Undergraduate diploma.
Minimum mark accepted for the following proficiency exams:
TEAP (Test of English for Academic Purposes): 50
IELTS (Internacional English Language Test System): 4.5
TOEFL ITP (Test of English as a Foreign Language): 420
Another kind of proof of English proficiency may be accepted at the discretion of the Graduation School Committee, on request by the applicant.
For foreign students, the Portuguese language proficiency is also required, within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date of enrollment and / or before enrollment in the qualification examination, atested by the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners, CELPE-BRAS, intermediate level or higher or REPORTA with a score of 50%, with validity of a maximum of twenty-four (24) months.
The Master level students must obtain a minimum of 48 academic credits on courses plus 48 academic credits on defense of the Master Dissertation.
The mandatories courses for Master level are:
Concentration area of Physical-Chemistry:
SQF5707 – Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics or
SQF5708 – Advanced Chemical Kinetics or
SQM5709 – Advanced Quantum Chemistry.
Concentration area of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry:
One of following courses:
SQM5767 – Advanced Analytical Chemistry or
SQM5818 – Advanced Inorganic Chemistry.
Concentration area of Organic and Biological:
One of following courses:
SQF5824 – Advanced Organic Chemistry I or
SQM5822 – Advanced Biochemistry.
Master student can obtain a maximun of 16 specials academic credits points.
The activities that can result on special academic credits points are:
Manuscript published in a peer reviwed;
Production of didactic material (ISBN register);
Prodution of a book chapter;
Patent deposit;
Attended and presenting a poster or talk to conference, workshop, simposium or another kind of cientific meeting;
Participate in a Teaching Improving Program (PAE).
The Qualification Exam is mandatory for Master level students
The Master level student must be enrolled in the qualifying exam until maximum of 15 (fifteen) months after their enrollment in the program. To apply to the qualification exam the student must have obtained at least 24 (twenty-four) academic credits points.
The objective of the qualifying examination for the Master level students is to evaluate their knowledge on the research and to evaluate the student’s ability to execute their research project.
For the Master level students, the exam will consist of a monograph of about twenty pages and an oral presentation of the research project. In case the student pleads the passage to the Direct Doctorate, the monograph should also contain a summary of the data and results collected.
The maximum time to complete the master degree is 30 (thirty) months.
Under exceptional circumstances, students may request an extension of deadline for a maximum period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) days.
ATTENTION: These rules are applied only for applicants who already posses the Master Degree. If you do not have a Master Degree please see rules for the Direct PhD level.
For enrollment in the PhD level, applicants must hand over a hard copy of the following documents:
1 – Proof of English language proficiency;
2 – A recente 3×4 photo;
3 – ID document;
4 – Curriculum vitae;
5 – Undergraduate school transcript;
6 – Undergraduate diploma.
7 – Master Degree diploma;
8 – Master Degree school transcription.
Minimum mark for the mainly proficiency examination for PhD level students are:
WAP (Writing for Academic Purposes): 50
IELTS (Internacional English Language Test System): 5.0
TOEFL ITP (Test of English as a Foreign Language): 470
Another kind of proof of English proficiency may be accepted at the discretion of the Graduation School Committee.
For foreign students, the Portuguese language proficiency is also required, within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date of enrollment and / or before enrollment in the qualification examination, atested by the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners, CELPE-BRAS, intermediate level or higher or by REPORTA with a score of 50%, with validity of a maximum of twenty-four (24) months.
In the PhD level students must obtain minimum 26 academic credits points on courses plus 144 academic credits points on defense of the PhD Thesis.
The mandatories courses for the PhD level are the same courses for the Master level for the respective area of concentration plus one of folowing courses:
SQI5776 – Atomic Emission and Absorption Spectrometry;
SQF5707 – Thermodynamics Advanced Chemistry;
SQF5708 – Advanced Chemical Kinetics;
SQF5761 – Electroanalytical Methods I;
SQM5709 – Advanced Quantum Chemistry;
SQM5743 – Kinetics and Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions;
SQM5766 – Chromatographic Analysis Methods;
SQM5767 – Advanced Analytical Chemistry;
SQM5818 – Advanced Inorganic Chemistry;
SQM5823 – Biochemistry and Advanced Molecular Biology;
SQF5824 – Advanced Organic Chemistry I;
SQM5822 – Advanced Biochemistry;
SQM5828 – Advanced Organic Chemistry II.
The PhD level students may obtain 8 specials academic credits points.
The activities that may result on special academic credits points are:
Manuscript published in a peer reviwed;
Production of didactic material (ISBN register);
Prodution of a book chapter;
Patent deposit;
Attended and presenting a poster or talk to conference, workshop, simposium or another kind of cientific meeting;
Participate in a Teaching Improving Program (PAE).
The Qualification Exam is mandatory for the PhD level students.
The PhD level student must apply for the qualifying exam within a maximum period of 24 (twenty four) months after their enrollment in PhD program. To apply for the qualifying exam, the student must have obtained 26 (twenty-six) academic credits points.
The objective of the qualifying exam for PhD level students is to assess the student’s ability to develop their project within their research topic.
For the the PhD level students the qualifying exam consist of a monograph, about 40 pages, containing collected results during development of the thesis work with and an oral presentation of their partial thesis results.
The maximum time to complete the he PhD Thesis is 54 (fifty four) months.
Under exceptional circumstances, students may request an extension of deadline for a maximum period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) days.
ATTENTION: These rules are applied only for applicants who do not posses the Master Degree. If you do posses a Master Degree please see the rules for the Doctorate level above.
For enrollment, applicants must hand over a hard copy of the following documents:
1 – Proof of English language proficiency;
2 – A recente 3×4 photo;
3 – ID document;
4 – Curriculum vitae;
5 – Undergraduate school transcript;
6 – Undergraduate diploma.
Minimum mark for the mainly proficiency examination for PhD level students are:
WAP (Writing for Academic Purposes): 50
IELTS (Internacional English Language Test System): 5.0
TOEFL ITP (Test of English as a Foreign Language): 470
Another kind of proof of English proficiency may be accepted at the discretion of the Graduation School Committee.
For foreign students, the Portuguese language proficiency is also required, within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date of enrollment and / or before enrollment in the qualification examination, atested by the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners, CELPE-BRAS, intermediate level or higher or by REPORTA with a score of 50%, with validity of a maximum of twenty-four (24) months.
In the Diretct PhD level students must obtain minimum 74 academic credits points on courses plus 144 academic credits points on defense of the PhD Thesis.
The mandatories courses for the Direct PhD level are the same courses for the Master level for the respective area of concentration plus one of folowing courses:
SQI5776 – Atomic Emission and Absorption Spectrometry;
SQF5707 – Thermodynamics Advanced Chemistry;
SQF5708 – Advanced Chemical Kinetics;
SQF5761 – Electroanalytical Methods I
SQM5709 – Advanced Quantum Chemistry;
SQM5743 – Kinetics and Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions;
SQM5766 – Chromatographic Analysis Methods;
SQM5767 – Advanced Analytical Chemistry;
SQM5818 – Advanced Inorganic Chemistry;
SQM5823 – Biochemistry and Advanced Molecular Biology;
SQF5824 – Advanced Organic Chemistry I;
SQM5822 – Advanced Biochemistry;
SQM5828 – Advanced Organic Chemistry II.
The Direct PhD level students may obtain 20 specials academic credits points.
The activities that may result on special academic credits points are:
Manuscript published in a peer reviwed;
Production of didactic material (ISBN register);
Prodution of a book chapter;
Patent deposit;
Attended and presenting a poster or talk to conference, workshop, simposium or another kind of cientific meeting;
Participate in a Teaching Improving Program (PAE).
The Qualification Exam is mandatory for the Direct PhD level students.
The Direct PhD level student must apply for the qualifying exam within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) months after their enrollment in PhD program. To apply for the qualifying exam, the student must have obtained 74 (seventy four) academic credit points.
The objective of the qualifying exam for PhD level students is to assess the student’s ability to develop their project within their research topic.
For the the Direct PhD level students the qualifying exam consist of a monograph, about 40 pages, containing collected results during development of the thesis work with and an oral presentation of their partial thesis results.
The maximum time to complete the he PhD Thesis is 66 (sixty six) months.
Under exceptional circumstances, students may request an extension of deadline for a maximum period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) days.
The performance of the students in all levels (Master, Doctorate and Direct Doutorate) will be periodicaly evaluated through activities reports.
Students may be dropped from the Graduate Program if any if of the following circumstances occurs:
a) the student’s activities report is not approved by the Graduate School Commiittee;
b) the student does not present the activity report in the due term, according to the annual calendar;
The student who has their activity report reproved must present a new report in a maximum period of thirty (30) days for a second evaluation.
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